Help Files:

Submitted Bids


The Submitted Bids Table contains all the volume and price bid pairs for downwards regulation, capped by the Max Import Limit (MIL). This shows the complete breakdown of these values and opens up API access to the figures.

On this chart it is possible to examine the information at the accepted/declared bids/offers at a selected group of units. By default the first 20 units on the table will be selected.

Then information about these units can be seen for those selected by using 'Pricing Unit Details' > 'See Declared Bids...'. The selected units can be changed by clicking on the cell containing the unit name without click on the link on the name itself.

Included Data

These figures exclude values from nuclear and interconnectors as these realistically cannot provide offer volumes for upward dispatch.

The values 'P - 1' to 'P - 5' provide the downward prices for dispatch actions and 'V -1' to 'V - 5' the downward volumes for dispatch actions based upon the following rules:

  • Total volume is capped at the volume between MIL (Max Import Limit - or import availability) and the FPN (Final Physical Notification - or pre-gated planned generation).
  • Pairs declared of the same price have been grouped together, so that if the raw data is pair +1 at 100MW and £30/MWh, pair +2 at 20MW and £30/MWh and pair +3 at 30MW and -£100/MWh, this is reduced to one pair at 120MW and another at 30MW to simplify the data and to avoid 'hidden' or 'missed' volumes.
  • These values are for the downwards actions only with undo actions not included.

The values for TOTAL PRICE and TOTAL VOLUME are the prices and volumes for the full available MWs between MIL and FPN. The ACCEPTED PRICE AND ACCEPTED VOLUME indicates the volumes of actually accepted activity.

Colours Guide

The following details the colours used in this chart:

Styling Description
Unaccepted Action
Accepted Bid (Energy)
Accepted Bid (System)

Data Service

The Submitted Bids data can be extracted from the API. The parameters used as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required submittedbids
sd Required The date in format YYYYMMDD.
sp Required The settlement period.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Example :