Help Files:
Interconnector Charts
Charts Included In This Section:
The following charts are included within this section:
- By country Import/Export - shows actual and planned levels of flow in and out of Great Britain to and from neighbouring regions
- Explicit Auction Capacity - shows the levels of capacity declared to be available for explicit intraday trading between Great Britain and neighbouring markets
- Intraday Explicit Requested - shows explicit trading between markets, with explicit trades involving the sale of capacity to market parties
- Net Transfer Capacity - transfer capacity between regions, including technical profiles, sets the possible flows between markets
- Scheduled vs Outturn - shows forecasted Net Transfer Capacities (NTC on weekly and day ahead basis) versus the Day Ahead and Real Time scheduled imports and exports
What Are The Interconnectors?
The interconnector charts aim to provide more information about the activity occurring
within the market around interconnections between Britain and Belgium, France, Ireland and the Netherlands.
This data is sourced from Entsoe and provides a richer depth of information than that can be found by exclusively
looking at the standard BMRS sources.