Help Files:

Offer Table


The Offer Table screen offers a stack showing the volumes and prices for the next declared offer pair. Alongside this a variety of supporting data streams are available with this including the total declared prices and volumes (capped at MEL) and generation and dynamic data.

To see more information about a particular unit the user can click on the unit name and this will give an option of viewing the 'BM Unit Operations' chart which shows what the unit has been doing.

On this chart it is possible to examine the information at the accepted/declared bids/offers at a selected group of units. By default the first 20 units on the table will be selected.

Then information about these units can be seen for those selected by using 'Pricing Unit Details' > 'See Declared Offers...'. The selected units can be changed by clicking on the cell containing the unit name without click on the link on the name itself.

Included Data

The data on this chart is as follows:

  • First Price - The price for the first MWh of potential offer volumes.
  • First Volume - The volume in MW at which the first price applies for any potential offer volumes. Note that this can include more than one pair as pairs with the same price have been combined to make the data more easily consumable.
  • Declared Price - The price for the complete offer volume up to the Maximum Export Limit (MEL).
  • Declared Volume - The volume in MW for the complete offer volume up to the Maximum Export Limit (MEL).
  • FPN - The pre-gate generation volumes in MW (final physical notification)
  • BOA - The accepted volume in MW for this unit.
  • EMV - The volume in MW of generation adjusted for balancing
  • MEL - The availability or Max Export Limit in MW
  • SEL - The Stable Export Limit in MW or minimum possible reduction in generation without switching off.
  • MNZT - The Minimum Non-Zero Time (or time which the unit must run for before it can be turned off.
  • NDZ - The Notice to Deviate from Zero (or time to start up from zero after being requested to).

Colours Guide

The following details the colours used in this chart:

Styling Description
xx Not Accepted + Generating (Next Volume is Small ie Less Than 10MW)
xx Not Accepted + Generating (All Others)
Not Accepted + Not Generating + NDZ >= 20 Min
Not Accepted + Not Generating + NDZ < 20 Min + MNZT >= 30 Min
Not Accepted + Not Generating + NDZ < 20 Min + MNZT < 30 Min
Accepted Offer (Energy & <=£75/MWh)
Accepted Offer (Energy & £125-200/MWh)
Accepted Offer (Energy & >£200/MWh)
Accepted Offer (Energy & £75-125/MWh)
Accepted Offer (System)
Accepted Bid (Energy or System)

Data Service

The Offer Table data can be extracted from the API. The parameters used as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required offertable
sd Required The date in format YYYYMMDD.
sp Required The settlement period.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Example :