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Bid/Offer Prices Heatmap


The Bid/Offer Prices Heatmap shows levels of balancing prices by unit or across a filter measuring the size of bid/offer prices over a period.

A 'T' in a cell indicates a system action. Each cell as an embedded link that can be used to see activity at a particular unit in more detail.

Where the unit is unavailable throughout a whole period (or block) this has been denoted by a greyed cell to highlight where activity is not occurring because a unit is offline.

Additionally it is possible to filter out any entries that contain no values by filtering for either all units or for only units with data in this period. In this instance this will remove any units that had no bid/offer prices noted across the whole period.

Across the top of the chart are plotted levels of System Buy Price, System Sell Price and Market Index Data Price to provide a reference point as to the status of the system in any particular period. Darker colours indicate that the system had activity of note across the period.

Included Data

The data on this heatmap is the Accepted (or Declared) Bid/Offer Price data, which represents the price in £/MWh of any actions taken (or available to be taken) by National Grid to reduce/increase generation via the Balancing Mechanism within gate-closure.

Colours Guide

The following details the colours used in this chart:

Styling (Bids) Description (Bids) Styling (Offers) Description (Offers)
Unavailable Unit
No Balancing Activity
Less Than £0/MWh
£0-10/Mwh £0-40/MWh
£10-20/MWh £40-45/MWh
£20-30/MWh £45-50/MWh
£30-35/MWh £50-60/MWh
£35-40/MWh £60-80/MWh
£40-45/MWh £80-100/MWh
£45-50/MWh £100-140/MWh
£50-55/MWh £140-200/MWh
£55-60/MWh £200-250/MWh
£60/MWh+ £250/MWh+

Data Service

The Bid/Offer Prices Heatmap data can be extracted from the API to get the prices of Balancing Mechanism accepted prices over the market. This is not as detailed as other sources, but gives the same overview given in the front end chart. The parameters used as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required bopricehm
startdatetime Required The start date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
enddatetime Required The end date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
resolution Required The type of resolution. (See 'resolutions' action, e.g. hh)
filter Optional The group of units that are of interest e.g. filter=fuel&fuel=coal. This defaults to filter=none&none=null and is as in the browser URL when picking options in the chart normally.
accdecl Optional Whether to go accepted (0) or declared (1) and is as in the browser URL when picking options in the chart normally. Defaults to accdecl=0 (Accepted)
bidoffer Optional Whether to look at Bids (bid) or Offers (offer) and is as in the browser URL when picking options in the chart normally. Defaults to bidoffer=offer (Offers)
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Examples :