Help Files:

Activity Heatmap


The Activity Heatmap is a heatmap that tries to take a vast volume of information from the market and turn it into a single summary heatmap:

Colours Guide

The following details the colours used in this chart:

Styling Description
Unavailable Unit
Importing Power at 10%
Importing Power at 100%
Export (FPN) at 10%
Export (FPN) at 100%
Partial Trip (FPN) at 10% Output
Partial Trip (FPN) at 100% Output
Bid Off
Bid Down to 10%
Bid Down to 100%
Partial Trip (Bid) at 10% Output
Partial Trip (Bid) at 100% Output
Offer Up to 10%
Offer Up to 100%
Partial Trip (Offer) at 10% Output
Partial Trip (Offer) at 100% Output
Bid & Offer Up to 10%
Bid & Offer Up to 100%
Partial Trip (Bid & Offer) at 10% Output
Partial Trip (Bid & Offer) at 100% Output

Data Service

There is no data service for this chart.