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BM Unit Bid Profile


The BM Unit Bid Profile chart shows for each unit in the market a summary of the five volume and price pairs declared in the Balancing Mechanism. For instance the following chart shows this for Drax 5 in December 2015:

Each unit can submit up to five sets of prices and the legend shows that at the indicated point, Drax 5 was requiring -£35/MWh for the first three pairs (amounting to 445MW) and then -£150/MWh for the further 200MW of available reductions.

This came after the unit dropped its initial prices for the first two pairs (each 95MW in size) from £10/MWh and £0/MWh earlier on in the month, with the drops coinciding with a period in which the unit was able to secure very low bid prices in the Balancing Mechanism overnight.

The volumes for this chart are only shown where the capability can be provided and where a red area does not exist the unit had no planned generation.

Included Data

The data on this chart is as follows:

  • Capacity - The nameplate capacity of the unit - ie if at 100% availability.
  • Decl Bid Level 1 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the first block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Level 2 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the second block (if it exists) of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Level 3 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the third block (if it exists) of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Level 4 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the fourth block (if it exists) of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Level 5 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the fifth block (if it exists) of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Unavailable - The unaccounted for balancing volumes if the available turn down has not had prices declared.
  • Import Availability - The Max Import Limit (MIL) which is the levels of declared import capability at units such as batteries or pumped storage. This is used to visually show how pumped storage and battery units are managing their import levels.
  • Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN) - The levels of planned generation ahead of gate closure and typically matching the volumes sold in traded markets.
  • Expected Metered Dispatch - The levels of post-balancing generation after National Grid has adjusted generation within gate closure.
  • Decl Bid Price 1 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the first block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Price 2 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the second block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Price 3 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the third block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Price 4 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the fourth block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Decl Bid Price 5 - The price in £/MWh offered to National Grid for the fifth block of reductions in MWhs of generation below the Pre-Balancing Dispatch (FPN).
  • Accepted Bid Price - The average price of any turn downs requested by National Grid during the period, with this being a weighted average of the blocks this applies to.

Note that National Grid will accept actions in order so accept MWhs from pair 1, then pair 2, etc.

Data Service

The BM Unit Bid Profile data can be extracted from the API to get the declared bid pair data for a single unit in the market. The parameters used as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required bmbidprofile
startdatetime Required The start date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
enddatetime Required The end date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
resolution Required The type of resolution. (See 'resolutions' action)
filter Optional The group of units that are of interest e.g. filter=fuel&fuel=coal. This defaults to filter=none&none=null and is as in the browser URL when picking options in the chart normally. This parameter is only really applicable when trying to get data for an aggregated filter type.
bmunitid Optional The is the unit id and can be found in the Browser URL. For instance bmunitid=T_ABTH7.
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Example :