Help Files:

Utilisation Heatmap


The utilisation heatmap shows the levels of generation at a unit/filter type against levels of installed capacity over a period of time after levels of availability have been considered. Each of the cells in this heatmap includes a link that forwards to the BM Unit Operations chart if clicked on.

Once a time period has been set the chart will then display data across the time zone at the highest resolution to show all the data on the screen with only vertical scrolling. For instance a screen might show a week’s data at 6 hour resolution, but a wide screen might show the same data at 3 hour resolution.

Additionally it is possible to filter out any entries that contain no values by filtering for either all units or for only units with data in this period. In this instance this will remove any units that were not generating across the whole period.

Where the unit is unavailable throughout a whole period (or block) this has been denoted by a greyed cell to highlight where activity is not occurring because a unit is offline.

Included Data

The generation measure used is the minimum of the Max Export Limit (the maximum level at which the BM Unit may be exporting to the GB Transmission System at the Grid Supply Point) and the balancing adjusted generation (levels of post-balancing generation after National Grid has adjusted generation within gate closure).

This generation data has then been divided by the capacity (the nameplate capacity of the unit - ie if at 100% availability).

Colours Guide

The following details the colours used in this chart:

Styling (Import) Description (Import) Styling (Export) Description (Export)
Unavailable Unit
No Running
0-10% Import 0-10% Export
10-20% Import 10-20% Export
20-30% Import 20-30% Export
30-40% Import 30-40% Export
40-50% Import 40-50% Export
50-60% Import 50-60% Export
60-70% Import 60-70% Export
70-80% Import 70-80% Export
80-90% Import 80-90% Export
90-100% Import 90-100% Export

Data Service

The Utilisation Heatmap data can be extracted from the API to extract the utilisation as a percentage of capacity across all the listed units over time. The parameters used as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required utilhm
startdatetime Required The start date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
enddatetime Required The end date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
resolution Required The type of resolution. (See 'resolutions' action, e.g. hh)
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Examples :