Help Files:

Explicit Auction Capacity


The Explicit Auction Capacity chart shows the levels of capacity declared to be available for explicit intraday trading between Great Britain and neighbouring markets (France, Netherlands, Belgium).

As of the time of writing this only allowed for trading to/from France, the Netherlands and Belgium.

These volumes allow for any intraday movement of power and National Grid will often be active in this space to trade through other countries or to manage changes in interconnector flows.

Included Data

Explicit auction is when the transmission capacity on an interconnector is auctioned to the market separately and independently from the market. This contrasts to implicit auctions where power flows automatically based upon the differences in prices in each of the bordering markets.

Data Service

The Explicit Auction Capacity data can be extracted from the API. The parameters used are as follows:

Code Required/Optional Description
chart Required atc
startdatetime Required The start date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
enddatetime Required The end date time in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
resolution Required The type of resolution. (See 'resolutions' action, e.g. hh)
format Required The type of format. The value could be xml or csv . (See 'formats' action)

Examples :